Professional services
are developing a list of professionals who offer services in a variety
of areas of interest to erotic-trade workers, including:
labour & employment law
· other
areas of law (immigration/civil/family/criminal/tax)
financial planning and investment
Web site design
costume & equipment design
other (let us know what interests
Help us build a great referral system! Please contact us
if you provide professional services
in one of the aforementioned areas and would like to be on our
referral list
if you are an erotic-trade worker who
has had a positive experience with a professional service provider
whom you’d like to recommend for the list
would like to include both pro bono and fee-for-service listings.)
this stage, our plan is to provide direct referrals to workers who
specifically request them. However, if participants favour the idea,
we will also consider posting referral information on this Web page.
Professional development
We plan to offer resources and
services to assist workers in developing their professional skills.
Potential topics include massage techniques, aromatherapy, safe
bdsm, effective advertising, legal matters and business
budgeting. We welcome additional suggestions!
We will develop these programs
in response to workers’ requests and feedback; once we have received
sufficient interest in a particular topic, we will devise workshops or
written materials accordingly.
Let us know what your
interests are!
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Copyright 2004 by The Canadian Guild
for Erotic Labour